We are focusing our efforts upon the younger generation, by first going into Parish schools and PSR classrooms. We hope to extend our reach outward to their families and to the Parish Church community as a whole. We have taken a twofold approach to evangelizing the youth about the Real Presence. First, we have established Adoration for the grade school twice a month, so the students have the opportunity to experience JESUS directly in the Eucharist. Second, we have developed a detailed presentation of a Eucharistic Miracle that is age appropriate, in which Biblical stories are discussed showing the students that God who loves outside of time reveals Himself in the Eucharist and the Word.

"To always be close to JESUS, that's my life plan."
-Blessed Carlo Acutis

The presentations being delivered to the students were developed by the first millennial saint, Blessed Carlo Acutis. Blessed Carlo Acutis died from Leukemia at the age of 15 in 2006 and was beatified on October 10th, 2020. He is the first Millennial Saint, a computer programming contemporary to the students. He is now being called the Patron Saint of the Internet. At age 11, Carlo collected stories and images of the Vatican approved Eucharistic Miracles and created a website dedicated to cataloging each Eucharistic miracle reported in the world which he completed in 2005, one year before he died. Along with the cataloging of the miracles, Carlo created a series of materials and presentations to share his message "To always be close to Jesus".

"Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful program to the religious education program and the day school program students and teachers. I have heard nothing but wonderful comments from both sides"
-Pamela, DRE of St. Mary Magdalen


Our parish offering consists of four Vatican Eucharistic Miracles. Woven into the first three miracles is the Bread of Life Discourse from John 6, Jesus' most explicit teaching on His Real Presence, His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity substantially present in the consecrated Bread and Wine of the Eucharist. 

  • Lanciano, Italy, 750 AD - Historically the Eucharistic Miracle, which was scientifically proven to be a human, living heart or a living, human heart with AB type blood, matching the bloOd type on the Holy Shroud of Turin.
  • Rome, Italy, 595 AD - Involving Saint Pope Gregory the Great, one of our Church Fathers of the Catholic Church.
  • Sokolka, Poland, Oct. 12, 2008 - Two Eminent specialists in pathological anatomy, one of whom was unaware of the origins of the tissue, recognized (or analyzed) the miraculous Host sample as heart tissue, a Eucharistic Miracle now before his eyes. 
  • Turin, Italy, June 6, 1453 - Feast of Corpus Christi, we remember Luke 24:13-35- The Road to Emmaus. It is the Glorious Day of JESUS' Resurrection, when JESUS celebrates "the breaking of the Bread" with his disciples ad He is recognized. In Holy Scripture, it is the first recorded Eucharist after his His resurrection. 

"I highly recommend Kristi Dentinger's Eucharistic presentation that combines accounts of Eucharistic Miracles with the theology of the Eucharist, the Real Presence, and the sacrifice of the Mass. This presentation shows how the Eucharist makes present to us the Sacred Heart of Jesus who has "loved us to the end".
~ Dr. Lawrence Feingold

Dr. Feingold is an Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. He is the author of The Eucharist: Mystery of Presence, Sacrifice, and Communion (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2018); and Touched by Christ: The Sacrament Economy (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2021).  

"Script" inspired By Jesus

The following is a "script" inspired by Jesus, as an interview between a moderator, Blessed Carlo and Jesus.

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